The ophiolite outcrops around Panagia village constitute some of the most interesting occurrences of the ophiolitic sequence of the Pindos mountains. The Pindos ophiolites represent fragments of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere which was emplaced over the Pindos flysch during Tertiary. Pindos ophiolite consists of mafic and ultramafic rocks (upper mantle peridotites partly serpentinized, gabbros, mafic and ultra-mafic cumulates, sheeted dikes, massive lavas, pillow lavas, and basic breccias), metamorphic rocks, parts of the sole (amphibolites, schists, and meta-sediments) as well as deep-sea sediments and turbidites (pelagic limestones, sandstones, calcarenites and microbreccias, siltstones, green and red ribbon and nodular radiolarites).