Antichasia Mountains and Meteora



Timfei 422 00


39.79982693352, 21.927626911455


Timfei 422 00


39.79982693352, 21.927626911455

Area Code: GR1440005 | Area: 71859,54 hectares

The area is characterized by the presence of a variety of fairly well-preserved tree and woody ecotypes. An outstanding feature of the area is its biodiversity. It is of great botanical and zoological value due to the presence of a large number of endemic and endangered species, legally protected at national and international level. In particular, the area has been designated as one of the Important Bird Areas (Birds of Prey). In particular, large numbers of birds of prey are found here, including the rare and endangered Egyptian vulture and the black-tailed eagle. Other species include the Spotted Eagle, Shoebridge, Spotted Eagle, Lanner Falcon, Peregrine Falcon and Common Kestrel. In addition, Black Stork and Cylinders are fairly common, while numbers of Woodpecker species (Black, White, and Middle) are at high levels. Finally, there is a breeding colony of Lesser White-throated Woodpeckers. As for other animal species, mammal populations are high and there are many species of reptiles. The presence of important invertebrates has also been observed. The flora has not yet been extensively studied. However, the presence of two stenoendemic species, Centaurea kalambakensis (in very small populations, in Meteora) and C. lactiflora (also small population, limited to the area of the village of Koniskos, north-east of Kalambaka), as well as the geomorphology (e.g. Meteora) and the vegetation structure of the area, make the investigation of the flora promising. Apart from its ecological value, the site has great aesthetic and cultural value. The unique rock formations of Meteora have been classified as a World Heritage Site (UNESCO). The historical importance of the area should also be noted, closely linked to the monasteries built on its peaks (ecclesiastical tradition, Byzantine art, hagiography), as Meteora was an important religious centre. OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS WITH MOTOR D: Plants: Anthemis cretica ssp. cretica (Anthemis meteorica) is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (1993), classified as “Rare” and protected by Greek legislation (PD 67/81).