Award for the Geopark of Meteora – Pylis at Tourism Awards 2023

Award for the Geopark of Meteora – Pylis at Tourism Awards 2023

The Region of Thessaly won three awards at the Tourism Awards 2023 competition, which completed ten years of awarding self-governing bodies and businesses that invest in innovation and quality in tourism.

At the great night of Greek Tourism Awards in Athens, the Regional Governor of Thessaly Kostas Agorastos received awards for the following categories:

  • “Initiatives to extend the tourist season” for the Geopark of Meteora – Pylis
  • “Social media presence” for the digital footprint of Thessaly’s tourist identity
  • In the “Accessible tourism” category for the accessibility of Meteora, Olympos and Karla

“The Region of Thessaly has changed the level of tourism. It has entered the global tourist map with alternative forms of tourism and innovative tourism products and services” said the Regional Governor Kostas Agorastos.

“In collaboration with agencies, following the strategic plan, a dynamic promotion program and targeting that is reshaped according to the conditions of the time, we highlight the diversity of Thessaly and offer a modern tourist product that interests more and more visitors.

We are proceeding with the marking of the Meteora-Pyli Geopark and are awaiting the Unesco Evaluation Committee for its recognition as a Global Geopark. We finance and build infrastructure projects which improve accessibility to Olympus, Meteora and Lake Karla.

In collaboration with Marketing Greece, My Thessaly’s social media showcases the tourism product of Thessaly to the global audience, with a communication strategy that focuses on the needs of the modern traveler, follows international trends and includes the values of sustainable development, which are fully implemented to local tourism products”.
